Sunday, December 5, 2010

2011 goals

Since 2010 is nearly over, and I have somewhat failed at knitting this year, I have decided to write a list of my knitting goals for 2011. (I'm a Virgo, okay. I have a thing for lists.)

General goals:
  • Spend at least two hours a week knitting.
  • Learn at least three new things (techniques, stitches, cast-on etc)
  • Destash! Not buying any new a) lace or b) sock yarn until what I have is at least half gone.
New projects:
Should be doable, no?

Also, I finished my Prairie Boots and have been wearing them pretty much nonstop since. I love them.)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Cardigan progress!

Leaft Lace Cardi progress, finally! Main body is done; it still needs sleeves, buttons, and an I-cord. Hoping it'll look snazzy after blocking because I had some trouble with the button band before, hm.

Pre-button band and blocking.

Blocking in progress.

I feel quite accomplished! (Er, as long as I don't think about my Heartland.)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I'm not dead!

Remember how I said I'm really bad at blogging AND knitting lately? Probably not, because that was almost a year ago. But, uh, it still applies.

Currently on the needles are my Heartland (STILL, with no progress to speak of) and the Leafy Lacy Cardi which I will hopefully pick up the pace on soon.

I did churn out some things, though:

These were a commission for my coworker, because the office gets cooooold in winter. Pattern is Twisted Armwarmers (Ravelry link).

Dark Mark Illusion Scarf for m'Abs (I knit a lot for her, it would seem. See below).

Teddy bear for Abby's birthday.

Sadly, that's about it. Yikes. Can I blame being busy moving and stuff? ... no? Well, hopefully I'll be a bit more productive in the near future, at least.