Sunday, May 8, 2011

Admitting defeat

The whole yarn diet thing? Yeah, it was just not gonna work. So.

Left to right; BC Garn Jaipur Silk Fino #36 (the most amazing shade ever; it doesn't photograph well but it's like it SHINES FROM WITHIN ♥), Malabrigo Lace (shut up) in Emerald (shut up) and new Drops Lace in 7120, a nice pale green, which is sooooo soft and will make a BIG shawl (800m/100g), yay.

So. Um. Yes.

I recently learnt to do the twisted German cast-on (for a Jayne Hat, which I won't be posting pics of until it's modelled by its owner) which means I have already reached my goal of learning three new techniques this year. Yay!

Also, my mother had a birthday, and while the surprise element somewhat failed, I'm still pretty pleased with the result.

Peacock Shawlette in Malabrigo Lace Purple Mystery.